マリオカート ツアーまとめ
マリオカート ツアーまとめ
SNES Bowser Castle 3 and GBA Bowser’s Castle 4 are HERE! | Mario Kart Tour (Bowser Tour Gameplay)
SNES Bowser Castle 3 and GBA Bowser's Castle 4 are HERE! | Mario Kart Tour (Bowser Tour Gameplay)
サンダー回避#マリオカート8dx #マリカ #shorts
マリオカートツアー ルイージサーキットRX
マリオカートツアー マリオサーキットRX
【マリオカートツアー】米に合うおかず魚系がいいと思うんですがいかがかしら?ω #新シーズン #フルコン #マリカツ #ゲーム #Vtuber #shorts #mariokart #個人勢vtuber
【オンライン対戦】アイテムぶつけるプロがいる!!【マリオカートツアー】 #マリオカートツアー #スマホゲーム #スマホ版マリオカート
【マリカツ】ルドカップ 棘くんがイケメンに見えるレース
It would be a disappointing, yet Chad move to create this amazing SNES track featuring a full makeover, and still choose to add Vanilla Lake to the BCP instead
Real question is: which one they putting in the booster course pass
I doubt GBA Bowser Castle 4 will make it… even though it looks SO FRICKIN GOOD! And this time, I can understand why they made it sectioned.
Hope SNES Bowser Castle 3 or GBA Bowser Castle 4 will be in Wave 5 or Wave 6
This course’s remake very much reminds me of how 8 remake Cheese Land: excellent remake of the layout that’s very fun to play on, but it removed some hazards and *butchered* the theming of the track. Seriously, the giant mechanical Bowser heart was the coolest theming a Bowser’s Castle has ever had, why on Earth would you ditch that for a fine but significantly worse theme by just making it the normal castle but destroyed.
A shame neither of them are coming to MK8DX
Hopefully this track gets added into mk8 wave 5
Even the normal versions of these two tracks have a lot going on. They look like great remakes of the two originals. At least either of these has to be on the Booster Courae Pass.
Imagine if they add vanilla lake over this for the mk8d bc.
I’m loving bit of this but for bowser castle 4 gba the pinball part is a nice touch I hope if they do a remake to mario kart 8 deluxe booster courses I hope they change the pinballs into either lava boulders or my personal favorite the signature spike ball!!!!!!, they could make a new track like yoshi island and a few others they made before and do a Bowser Pinall like track to put the pinballs in this one from the party course from Mario Party DS that be freaking sweet!!!!!!